Sunday, March 11, 2012

Heaven, Is It for You?


I am a God fearing Christian that thinks I've finally put it all together!

If you've attended church all your life you've learned about:
  • Water Baptism
  • Jesus died for your sins
  • Inviting Jesus into your Heart
  • Eternal Life 
But, have you really put all of it together? Here is My Revelation:

Adam & Eve, who were created at God's pleasure as the apple of his eye were given the freedom to make choices in every aspect of their lives except one! That one being not to eat from the Tree of Good & Evil"
Unfortunately Adam & Eve being human with human hubris were not able to keep their hands off the forbidden fruit.  Thus the fall of Man.  Over the course of human history, man has fallen, given new life and fallen again and again to God's dismay.  God, loving man beyond our comprehension, recognizing that man can not control free will had to find another way to save his creation.    

The Plan of Salvation:

Any Covenant made by God requires the shedding of blood as a seal of authenticity.
Jesus, his Son, the Second Person of the Trinity would come to Earth to Save God's Creation. Jesus would die on the cross shedding his blood on behalf of any human that is willing to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
The acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior must be a conscious forthright decision.  When this decision is made your are actually mentally rewired or re-imprinted into a new being. You think differently, you act differently, you are DIFFERENT than you were before you accepted Jesus. You actually are finally attuned to how God had expected man to act at the time he created mankind. This event is called Being Born Again.

Water Baptism is important in the equation because it is through Water Baptism that man dies of his old ways and is filled with the Holy Spirit - The Third Person of the Trinity.      

However, The Bible clearly states that eternal Salvation is based on two critical events:

  • The death of Jesus on the Cross where he shed blood for humans the first part of God's the Covenant of Salvation
  •  Man's free choice to become Born Again as the second part of the Covenant of Salvation.

A Covenant is a Contract of the highest order.  A Covenant with God will never be broken!  

God is assembling "His People" to live together with Him  for eternity.

Jesus said about the Narrow Gate across the road that leads to Eternal Life: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 13 - 14

This is one man's thoughts!

Tony Whyte
Southern Crossings Gate Systems / GateBuilder Gate Frames

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